Hello and welcome to my blog

Hi and welcome. My name is Caroline and I’m glad you’re here! On this blog you can follow our Montessori Inspired Unschooling journey which is all about interest based, self directed learning, outside of the coercive school environment, subjects and curricula. 

Because learning happens naturally all the time.

On this blog I aim to share my honest thoughts and experiences about unschooling, living a healthy life, learning through living, mindfulness, parenting, exercise and everything in between!

My Story

Since the very early stages of motherhood, I decided that “home schooling” was for me. I don’t actually like the term “home schooling” as the school is merely a place, location or institution where education takes place.

To me, education is a lifelong process and it doesn’t just happen from 9am to 3 pm on a classroom. Education happens at home, at the grocery store, in the gym and wherever you take your baby – YES babies absorb everything! So it is my mission to expose my daughter to as many things as possible. 

Some people are of the opinion that babies are merely an empty vessel that need to be filled but I’m a firm believer in the Montessori method:

“Maria Montessori saw the child not as an empty vessel waiting to be filled with a teacher’s knowledge, but as a being filled with life and wonder, possessing within the child all he or she needs to reach their full potential”. 

Maria Montessori

Being a good role model is the best I can do for my daughter (and myself and my community) so whilst focusing on my daughters education and early learning, I am also very much focused on my own self development, my own mental and physical health and my continuing education. I am currently studying an endorsed Montessori course to advance my own skills and I’m excited to share our journey with you here. 

About Me

My name is Caroline. I’m a mum, dog lover and a lover of all things health and fitness.

I was born in The Netherlands and currently reside in Australia. We live on a beautiful semi rural property in Victoria, looking out onto the beautiful mountain ranges.

I love everything health and fitness and write about it and offer my coaching services on CarolineBakker.com and that’s also a place where I have loads of recipes.

Another passion I have is writing and creating guided meditation tracks which you can find for free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Insight Timer app. “Meditations by Amazon Warrior”. Below is one of my popular sleep meditation tracks.

I’m also a dog lover and breeder of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier of which you can find out more on our site www.bluestaffiesmelbourne.com