Tips for Travelling Abroad as a Solo Parent (First Time Mum Edition)

  Reading time 8 minutes

Travelling abroad can be daunting enough as it is, and adding an infant into the mix could send your brain into overdrive. In this post I’ll share my honest thoughts and experiences as to how to be prepared as a solo parent (being a first time mum), and what to take and not to take on your first overseas adventure with your little one.

How to Prepare for Flying Internationally with an Infant?

There are a few more things to considering before flying with an infant and here are some of my tips:

  1. Book your flights well in advance (where possible) and request a bassinet.
  2. If it’s in your budget, request your favourite seats with extra legroom (ensuring this is bulk head where the bassinet can be placed).
  3. Ideally book your seats away from the aisle to ensure tiny hands and feet don’t get accidentally trapped.
  4. I have read on some other travel blogs that some people travel with a car seat on the plane to ensure your infant is strapped in safely (handy when you’re drinking a hot cup of tea, or have to go to the bathroom, at least you know your baby is securely strapped in). If this is a a practical option for you (probably not so practical travelling as a solo parent) then please check with your airline prior to booking your flight.
  5. Pack your own food/snacks. I’m a big fan of packing your own food as depending on your child’s age, they may not have gotten used to all the different types of solid foods yet, so taking your own snacks that you know your baby likes is a good option. We’re packing a small tackle box with our own snacks including cheese stringers, biscuits, chopped fruit and some teething biscuits.
  6. Take nappy pants instead of normal nappies, as these are much easier to quickly put on and pull off a wriggly tired baby in an unstable plane.
  7. When walking around in the plane, carry baby in a safe baby carrier so that you have your hands free, in case of unexpected turbulence.

Should I Take a Baby Carrier or Travel Pram To The Airport?

When I had booked my overseas trip one of the first things I was debating was whether to take a baby carrier or a travel pram.

At the airport I like to have my hands free to be able to easily and quickly clear the checkin and security queues. So a good baby carrier is a must for us.

But given baby is now 8+ kilos, I’ve also decided to have a dedicated travel pram which can be taken into the plane. After doing some research and getting friend recommendations, we chose the Redsbaby Skip2 which comes with a travel bag (essential if you wish to take your pram onto the plane). We chose this pram due to already being familiar with the Redsbaby brand, and also because it has an extendable canopy made with 50UPF material, great for sunny destinations. The lay flat bed is suitable for newborns and it has a 5kg carry basket underneath. We opted for the Ivy Green colour which may be less hot than the standard black as darker colours naturally attract more heat.

Tips for Take Off and Landing with an Infant

If you have a chance to read your airplane’s terms on “travelling with an infant” you’ll read that most airlines recommend that you nurse your infant during take off and landing to help with the changing pressure in their ears.

Infant First Aid / Medication Kit

When I used to travel before having kids, I’d always ensure I have the basic medications for pain relief, anti histamines, anti diarrhoea medication and hydration tablets for myself.

Now travelling with baby, here’s what I’m taking with me. You can probably get all these items AT your destination or at the airport, but I prefer to be prepared and have my own brand of medications on board and within reach for when I need it instantly.

  1. Liquid Baby Neurofen / Panadol with dosage syringe (great for teething pains).
  2. Liquid Baby anti histamine with dosage syringe (just in case). If your baby requires an epipen, make sure you organise this well ahead of time.
  3. Consider taking Nan Probiotic Drops with you and give these daily to baby to help them maintain good gut health and perhaps fight off any unexpected viruses that you may catch during your travels. Remember airports and airplanes are filled with people from all walks of life, different cultures and different vaccinations status so it’s better to be prepared.
  4. Dermaid infant steroid cream may come in handy whilst overseas. Even though I’m not a fan of steroid cream, I will be taking the baby version with me which has a very low dose of medication, but there’s nothing worse than your little one being SUPER uncomfortable by an itch, skin irritation or eczema due to change in weater, humidity or foods.
  5. Eye wipes. We got some eye wipes in a little sachet

Don’t Forget To Pack These for Solo Parent

When travelling alone you know you will have your hands full most of the time (literally). From carrying your little one, to carrying bottles, food, toys, blankets, nappies etc. Just don’t forget YOURSELF!

If you’re malnourished and/or dehydrated you won’t be able to “perform” at your best and that won’t be good for anyone. So make sure you prioritise your needs. How ? Simply by planning ahead.

Just like you’re planning all the things for your little one, plan and organise your own snacks and hydration (make sure to drink LOADS of water on the plane if you’re still breastfeeding, as the air in the plane tends to dry you out quicker). And most of all make sure these are in an easy accessible place so you can easily grab them on the go.

Knowing quite well how hard it is to be a solo parent, it’s SOOOOO easy to forget yourself because it’s all about bub. So besides being organised and planning ahead, another thing to do is “eat when baby eats” (not only is this a great role model for your little one, it also shows them that eating is something you do together, and mumma gets her nutrition in at the same time).

Legalities for Travelling Abroad as a Solo Parent

If you’re travelling as a solo parent, don’t forget to check whether you may need a legal document to travel alone with the child/ children.

Summary of Travelling Abroad as a Solo Parent

Travelling abroad with a little one is super exciting, just make sure you’re prepared and have packed the necessities such as baby food, some entertainment, a suitable travel pram, as well as snacks for the solo parent (when you’re travelling solo it’s likely you won’t get a chance to eat the meal served on the plane, unless your little one happens to be a asleep.).

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